
Table of Contents



Volume of Interest Lookup Table Function

Type: Function


Returns Number transformed value


A Viewport Settings Object Cornerstone

Type: Object


  • scale Number? The scale applied to the image. A scale of 1.0 will display no zoom (one image pixel takes up one screen pixel). A scale of 2.0 will be double zoom and a scale of .5 will be zoomed out by 2x
  • translation vec2? An object with properties x and y which describe the translation to apply in the pixel coordinate system. Note that the image is initially displayed centered in the enabled element with a x and y translation of 0 and 0 respectively.
  • voi VOI? an object with properties windowWidth and windowCenter.
  • invert boolean? Whether or not the image is inverted.
  • pixelReplication boolean? true if the image smooth / interpolation should be used when zoomed in on the image or false if pixel replication should be used.
  • hflip boolean? true if the image is flipped horizontally. Default is false
  • vflip boolean? true if the image is flipped vertically. Default is false
  • rotation Number? the rotation of the image (90 degree increments). Default is 0
  • modalityLUT LUT? the modality LUT to apply or undefined if none
  • voiLUT LUT? the modality LUT to apply or undefined if none
  • colormap (String | Colormap)? an optional colormap ID or colormap object (from colors/colormap.js). This will be applied during rendering to convert the image to pseudocolor
  • labelmap Boolean? whether or not to render this image as a label map (i.e. skip modality and VOI LUT pipelines and use only a color lookup table)


An Enabled Element Layer in Cornerstone

Type: Object


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element which has been enabled for use by Cornerstone
  • image Image? The image currently displayed in the enabledElement
  • viewport Viewport? The current viewport settings of the enabledElement
  • canvas HTMLCanvasElement? The current canvas for this enabledElement
  • options Object? Layer drawing options
  • invalid Boolean Whether or not the image pixel data underlying the enabledElement has been changed, necessitating a redraw
  • needsRedraw Boolean A flag for triggering a redraw of the canvas without re-retrieving the pixel data, since it remains valid


An Image Load Object

Type: Object


  • promise Promise The Promise tracking the loading of this image
  • cancelFn (Function | undefined) A function to cancel the image load request


An Image Object in Cornerstone

Type: Object


  • imageId string The imageId associated with this image object
  • minPixelValue Number the minimum stored pixel value in the image
  • maxPixelValue Number the maximum stored pixel value in the image
  • slope Number the rescale slope to convert stored pixel values to modality pixel values or 1 if not specified
  • intercept Number the rescale intercept used to convert stored pixel values to modality values or 0 if not specified
  • windowCenter Number the default windowCenter to apply to the image
  • windowWidth Number the default windowWidth to apply to the image
  • getPixelData function a function that returns the underlying pixel data. An array of integers for grayscale and an array of RGBA for color
  • getImageData function a function that returns a canvas imageData object for the image. This is only needed for color images
  • getCanvas function a function that returns a canvas element with the image loaded into it. This is only needed for color images.
  • getImage function a function that returns a JavaScript Image object with the image data. This is optional and typically used for images encoded in standard web JPEG and PNG formats
  • rows Number number of rows in the image. This is the same as height but duplicated for convenience
  • columns Number number of columns in the image. This is the same as width but duplicated for convenience
  • height Number the height of the image. This is the same as rows but duplicated for convenience
  • width Number the width of the image. This is the same as columns but duplicated for convenience
  • color Boolean true if pixel data is RGB, false if grayscale
  • lut Object The Lookup Table
  • rgba Boolean Is the color pixel data stored in RGBA?
  • columnPixelSpacing Number horizontal distance between the middle of each pixel (or width of each pixel) in mm or undefined if not known
  • rowPixelSpacing Number vertical distance between the middle of each pixel (or height of each pixel) in mm or undefined if not known
  • invert Boolean true if the the image should initially be displayed be inverted, false if not. This is here mainly to support DICOM images with a photometric interpretation of MONOCHROME1
  • sizeInBytes Number the number of bytes used to store the pixels for this image.
  • falseColor Boolean? Whether or not the image has undergone false color mapping
  • origPixelData Array? Original pixel data for an image after it has undergone false color mapping
  • stats ImageStats? Statistics for the last redraw of the image
  • cachedLut Object Cached Lookup Table for this image.
  • colormap (String | Colormap)? an optional colormap ID or colormap object (from colors/colormap.js). This will be applied during rendering to convert the image to pseudocolor
  • labelmap Boolean? whether or not to render this image as a label map (i.e. skip modality and VOI LUT pipelines and use only a color lookup table)


Image Statistics Object

Type: Object


  • lastGetPixelDataTime Number? The time in ms taken to retrieve stored pixels required to draw the image
  • lastStoredPixelDataToCanvasImageDataTime Number? The time in ms taken to map from stored pixel array to canvas pixel array
  • lastPutImageDataTime Number? The time in ms taken for putImageData to put the canvas pixel data into the canvas context
  • lastRenderTime Number? The total time in ms taken for the entire rendering function to run
  • lastLutGenerateTime Number? The time in ms taken to generate the lookup table for the image


Lookup Table Array

Type: Object




Type: Object


  • windowWidth Number Window Width for display
  • windowCenter Number Window Center for display


A two-dimensional vector

Type: Object



An Enabled Element in Cornerstone

Type: Object


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element which has been enabled for use by Cornerstone
  • image Image? The image currently displayed in the enabledElement
  • viewport Viewport? The current viewport settings of the enabledElement
  • canvas HTMLCanvasElement? The current canvas for this enabledElement
  • invalid Boolean Whether or not the image pixel data underlying the enabledElement has been changed, necessitating a redraw
  • needsRedraw Boolean A flag for triggering a redraw of the canvas without re-retrieving the pixel data, since it remains valid
  • layers Array<EnabledElementLayer>? The layers that have been added to the enabledElement
  • syncViewports Boolean? Whether or not to synchronize the viewport parameters for each of the enabled element's layers
  • lastSyncViewportsState Boolean? The previous state for the sync viewport boolean



Retrieves a Cornerstone Enabled Element object


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns EnabledElement A Cornerstone Enabled Element


Adds a Cornerstone Enabled Element object to the central store of enabledElements


  • enabledElement EnabledElement A Cornerstone enabledElement Object

Returns void


Adds a Cornerstone Enabled Element object to the central store of enabledElements


  • imageId string A Cornerstone Image ID

Returns Array<EnabledElement> An Array of Cornerstone enabledElement Objects


Retrieve all of the currently enabled Cornerstone elements

Returns Array<EnabledElement> An Array of Cornerstone enabledElement Objects


This module deals with ImageLoaders, loading images and caching images


Load an image using a registered Cornerstone Image Loader.

The image loader that is used will be determined by the image loader scheme matching against the imageId.


  • imageId String A Cornerstone Image Object's imageId
  • options Object? Options to be passed to the Image Loader

Returns ImageLoadObject An Object which can be used to act after an image is loaded or loading fails


Loads an image given an imageId and optional priority and returns a promise which will resolve to the loaded image object or fail if an error occurred. The loaded image is not stored in the cache.


  • imageId String A Cornerstone Image Object's imageId
  • options Object? Options to be passed to the Image Loader

Returns ImageLoadObject An Object which can be used to act after an image is loaded or loading fails


Loads an image given an imageId and optional priority and returns a promise which will resolve to the loaded image object or fail if an error occurred. The image is stored in the cache.


  • imageId String A Cornerstone Image Object's imageId
  • options Object? Options to be passed to the Image Loader

Returns ImageLoadObject Image Loader Object


Registers an imageLoader plugin with cornerstone for the specified scheme


  • scheme String The scheme to use for this image loader (e.g. 'dicomweb', 'wadouri', 'http')
  • imageLoader Function A Cornerstone Image Loader function

Returns void


Registers a new unknownImageLoader and returns the previous one


  • imageLoader Function A Cornerstone Image Loader

Returns (Function | Undefined) The previous Unknown Image Loader


This module deals with caching images



Adds a metadata provider with the specified priority


  • provider Function Metadata provider function
  • priority Number 0 is default/normal, > 0 is high, < 0 is low (optional, default 0)

Returns void


Removes the specified provider


  • provider Function Metadata provider function

Returns void


Gets metadata from the registered metadata providers. Will call each one from highest priority to lowest until one responds


  • type String The type of metadata requested from the metadata store
  • imageId String The Cornerstone Image Object's imageId

Returns any The metadata retrieved from the metadata store



Retrieves the viewport for the specified enabled element


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns (Viewport | undefined) The Cornerstone Viewport settings for this element, if they exist. Otherwise, undefined


Sets/updates viewport of a given enabled element


  • element HTMLElement DOM element of the enabled element
  • viewport Viewport? Object containing the viewport properties

Returns void



Converts a point in the canvas coordinate system to the pixel coordinate system system. This can be used to reset tools' image coordinates after modifications have been made in canvas space (e.g. moving a tool by a few cm, independent of image resolution).


  • element HTMLElement The Cornerstone element within which the input point lies
  • pt {x: Number, y: Number} The input point in the canvas coordinate system

Returns {x: Number, y: Number} The transformed point in the pixel coordinate system


Converts a point in the pixel coordinate system to the canvas coordinate system system. This can be used to render using canvas context without having the weird side effects that come from scaling and non square pixels


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone
  • pt {x: Number, y: Number} The transformed point in the pixel coordinate system

Returns {x: Number, y: Number} The input point in the canvas coordinate system



Helper function to trigger an event on a Cornerstone element with a specific layerId


  • eventName String The event name (e.g. CornerstoneLayerAdded)
  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone enabled element
  • layerId String The layer's unique identifier

Returns void


Rescale the target layer to the base layer based on the relative size of each image and their pixel dimensions.

This function will update the Viewport parameters of the target layer to a new scale.


  • baseLayer EnabledElementLayer The base layer
  • targetLayer EnabledElementLayer The target layer to rescale

Returns void


Add a layer to a Cornerstone element


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • image Image A Cornerstone Image object to add as a new layer
  • options Object Options for the layer

Returns String layerId The new layer's unique identifier


Remove a layer from a Cornerstone element given a layer ID


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • layerId String The unique identifier for the layer

Returns void


Retrieve a layer from a Cornerstone element given a layer ID


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • layerId String The unique identifier for the layer

Returns EnabledElementLayer The layer


Retrieve all layers for a Cornerstone element


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns Array<EnabledElementLayer> An array of layers


Retrieve all visible layers for a Cornerstone element


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns Array<EnabledElementLayer> An array of layers


Set the active layer for a Cornerstone element


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • layerId String The unique identifier for the layer

Returns void


Set a new image for a specific layerId


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • image Image The image to be displayed in this layer
  • layerId String? The unique identifier for the layer

Returns void


Retrieve the currently active layer for a Cornerstone element


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns EnabledElementLayer The currently active layer



Internal API function to draw an image to a given enabled element


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element to redraw
  • invalidated Boolean? true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used (optional, default false)

Returns void


Creates a LUT used while rendering to convert stored pixel values to display pixels


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • windowWidth Number The Window Width
  • windowCenter Number The Window Center
  • invert Boolean A boolean describing whether or not the image has been inverted
  • modalityLUT Array? A modality Lookup Table
  • voiLUT Array? A Volume of Interest Lookup Table

Returns Uint8ClampedArray A lookup table to apply to the image


This function transforms stored pixel values into a canvas image data buffer by using a LUT. This is the most performance sensitive code in cornerstone and we use a special trick to make this go as fast as possible. Specifically we use the alpha channel only to control the luminance rather than the red, green and blue channels which makes it over 3x faster. The canvasImageDataData buffer needs to be previously filled with white pixels.

NOTE: Attribution would be appreciated if you use this technique!


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • lut Array Lookup table array
  • canvasImageDataData Uint8ClampedArray buffer filled with white pixels

Returns void


Converts stored color pixel values to display pixel values using a LUT.

Note: Skips alpha value for any input image pixel data.


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • lut Array Lookup table array
  • canvasImageDataData Uint8ClampedArray buffer filled with white pixels

Returns void



Returns void



  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • grayscaleLut Array Lookup table array
  • colorLut (LookupTable | Array) Lookup table array
  • canvasImageDataData Uint8ClampedArray buffer filled with white pixels

Returns void


This function transforms stored pixel values into a canvas image data buffer by using a LUT.


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • lut Array Lookup table array
  • canvasImageDataData Uint8ClampedArray buffer filled with white pixels

Returns void


Computes the VOI to display all the pixels if no VOI LUT data (Window Width/Window Center or voiLUT) exists on the viewport object.


  • viewport Viewport Object containing the viewport properties
  • image Object An Image loaded by a Cornerstone Image Loader

Returns void


Check if viewport has voi LUT data


  • viewport any The viewport to check for voi LUT data

Returns Boolean true viewport has LUT data (Window Width/Window Center or voiLUT). Otherwise, false.


Creates a LUT used while rendering to convert stored pixel values to display pixels


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • windowWidth Number The Window Width
  • windowCenter Number The Window Center
  • invert Boolean A boolean describing whether or not the image has been inverted
  • voiLUT Array? A Volume of Interest Lookup Table

Returns Uint8ClampedArray A lookup table to apply to the image


Converts stored RGBA color pixel values to display pixel values using a LUT.


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • lut Array Lookup table array
  • canvasImageDataData Uint8ClampedArray buffer filled with white pixels

Returns void


Draw an image to a given enabled element synchronously


  • enabledElement EnabledElement An enabled element to draw into
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void


Internal function to render all layers for a Cornerstone enabled element


  • context CanvasRenderingContext2D Canvas context to draw upon
  • layers Array<EnabledElementLayer> The array of all layers for this enabled element
  • invalidated Boolean A boolean whether or not this image has been invalidated and must be redrawn

Returns void


Generate a unique identifier

Returns string A unique identifier


Generates a linear modality transformation function

See DICOM PS3.3 C.11.1 Modality LUT Module


  • slope Number m in the equation specified by Rescale Intercept (0028,1052).
  • intercept Number The value b in relationship between stored values (SV) and the output units specified in Rescale Type (0028,1054).Output units = m*SV + b.

Returns function (any): any A linear modality LUT function. Given a stored pixel it returns the modality pixel value


Get the appropriate Modality LUT for the current situation.


  • slope Number? m in the equation specified by Rescale Intercept (0028,1052).
  • intercept Number? The value b in relationship between stored values (SV) and the output units specified in Rescale Type (0028,1054).
  • modalityLUT Function? A modality LUT function. Given a stored pixel it returns the modality pixel value.

Returns function (any): any A modality LUT function. Given a stored pixel it returns the modality pixel value.


Calculate the transform for a Cornerstone enabled element


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element
  • scale Number? The viewport scale

Returns Transform The current transform



API function to draw a label map image to a given enabledElement


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element to redraw
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void


Determine whether or not an Enabled Element needs to be re-rendered.

If the imageId has changed, or if any of the last rendered viewport parameters have changed, this function will return true.


  • enabledElement EnabledElement An Enabled Element
  • image Image An Image

Returns boolean Whether or not the Enabled Element needs to re-render its image


API function to draw a pseudo-color image to a given enabledElement


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element to redraw
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void


Check if two lookup tables match


  • a LUT A lookup table function
  • b LUT Another lookup table function

Returns boolean Whether or not they match


API function to render a color image to an enabled element


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element to redraw
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void


API function to draw a grayscale image to a given enabledElement


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element to redraw
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void


API function to draw a standard web image (PNG, JPG) to an enabledImage


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element to redraw
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void



Returns the image data type as a string representation.


  • image any The cornerstone image object

Returns string image data type (rgb, iint16, uint16, int8 and uint8)


Convert stored pixel data to image data.

Pack int16 into three uint8 channels (r, g, b)


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object

Returns Uint8Array The image data for use by the WebGL shader


Convert stored pixel data to image data.

Store data in Uint8Array


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object

Returns Uint8Array The image data for use by the WebGL shader


Convert stored pixel data to image data.

Pack RGB images into a 3-channel RGB texture


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object

Returns Uint8Array The image data for use by the WebGL shader


Convert stored pixel data to image data.

For uint16 pack uint16 into two uint8 channels (r and a).


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object

Returns Uint8Array The image data for use by the WebGL shader


Convert stored pixel data to image data. Here we will store all data in the alpha channel.


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object

Returns Uint8Array The image data for use by the WebGL shader


Creates and compiles a shader.


  • gl WebGLRenderingContext The WebGL Context.
  • shaderSource string The GLSL source code for the shader.
  • shaderType number The type of shader, VERTEX_SHADER or FRAGMENT_SHADER.

Returns WebGLShader The shader.


Creates a program from 2 shaders.


  • gl WebGLRenderingContext The WebGL context.
  • vertexShader WebGLShader A vertex shader.
  • fragmentShader WebGLShader A fragment shader.

Returns WebGLProgram A program.


Creates a program from 2 shaders source (Strings)


  • gl WebGLRenderingContext The WebGL context.
  • vertexShaderSrc WebGLShader Vertex shader string
  • fragShaderSrc WebGLShader Fragment shader string

Returns WebGLProgram A program



  • windowWidth
  • windowCenter



  • windowWidth Number Window Width
  • windowCenter Number Window Center

Returns VOILUTFunction VOI LUT mapping function


Generate a non-linear volume of interest lookup table


  • voiLUT LUT Volume of Interest Lookup Table Object

Returns VOILUTFunction VOI LUT mapping function


Retrieve a VOI LUT mapping function given the current windowing settings and the VOI LUT for the image


  • windowWidth Number Window Width
  • windowCenter Number Window Center
  • voiLUT LUT? Volume of Interest Lookup Table Object

Returns VOILUTFunction VOI LUT mapping function


Enumeration that describes the displayedArea presentation size mode.


  • canvas
  • image


C.10.4 Displayed Area Module: This Module describes Attributes required to define a Specified Displayed Area space.



Polyfills requestAnimationFrame for older browsers.


  • callback Function A parameter specifying a function to call when it's time to update your animation for the next repaint. The callback has one single argument, a DOMHighResTimeStamp, which indicates the current time (the time returned from ) for when requestAnimationFrame starts to fire callbacks.

Returns Number A long integer value, the request id, that uniquely identifies the entry in the callback list. This is a non-zero value, but you may not make any other assumptions about its value. You can pass this value to window.cancelAnimationFrame() to cancel the refresh callback request.


Use the method if possible, and if not, use

Returns number Time elapsed since the time origin


EventTarget - Provides the EventTarget interface


API function to draw a pseudo-color image to a given layer


  • layer EnabledElementLayer The layer that the image will be added to
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void


API function to draw a pseudo-color image to a given layer


  • layer EnabledElementLayer The layer that the image will be added to
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void


Retrieve or generate a LUT Array for an Image and Viewport


  • image Image An Image Object
  • viewport Viewport An Viewport Object
  • invalidated Boolean Whether or not the LUT data has been invalidated (e.g. by a change to the windowWidth, windowCenter, or invert viewport parameters).

Returns Uint8ClampedArray LUT Array


API function to draw a grayscale image to a given layer


  • layer EnabledElementLayer The layer that the image will be added to
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used
  • useAlphaChannel Boolean? Whether or not to render the grayscale image using only the alpha channel. This does not work if this layer is not the first layer in the enabledElement. (optional, default false)

Returns void


Disable an HTML element for further use in Cornerstone


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns void


Returns whether or not an Enabled Element has either a currently active image or a non-empty Array of Enabled Element Layers.


  • enabledElement EnabledElement An Enabled Element

Returns Boolean Whether or not the Enabled Element has an active image or valid set of layers


Enable an HTML Element for use in Cornerstone

  • If there is a Canvas already present within the HTMLElement, and it has the class 'cornerstone-canvas', this function will use this existing Canvas instead of creating a new one. This may be helpful when using libraries (e.g. React, Vue) which don't want third parties to change the DOM.


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone
  • options Object Options for the enabledElement

Returns void


Sets a new image object for a given element.

Will also apply an optional viewport setting.


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone
  • image Object An Image loaded by a Cornerstone Image Loader
  • viewport Object? A set of Cornerstone viewport parameters

Returns void


Immediately draws the enabled element


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns void


Draw the image immediately


  • timestamp DOMHighResTimeStamp The current time for when requestAnimationFrame starts to fire callbacks

Returns void


Draws all invalidated enabled elements and clears the invalid flag after drawing it

Returns void


Sets the invalid flag on the enabled element and fire an event


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns void


Forces the image to be updated/redrawn for the all enabled elements displaying the specified imageId


  • imageId string The imageId of the Cornerstone Image Object to redraw

Returns void


Forces the image to be updated/redrawn for the specified enabled element


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone
  • invalidated Boolean Whether or not the image pixel data has been changed, necessitating a redraw (optional, default false)

Returns void


This module is responsible for drawing invalidated enabled elements



  • enabledElement


Internal API function to draw a composite image to a given enabled element


  • enabledElement EnabledElement An enabled element to draw into
  • invalidated Boolean true if pixel data has been invalidated and cached rendering should not be used

Returns void


Create a canvas and append it to the element


Returns HTMLElement canvas A Canvas DOM element


Create a canvas or returns the one that already exists for a given element


Returns HTMLElement canvas A Canvas DOM element


Retrieves any data for a Cornerstone enabledElement for a specific string dataType


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone
  • dataType string A string name for an arbitrary set of data

Returns any Whatever data is stored for this enabled element


Clears any data for a Cornerstone enabledElement for a specific string dataType


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone
  • dataType string A string name for an arbitrary set of data

Returns void


Adjusts an image's scale and translation so the image is centered and all pixels in the image are viewable.


  • element HTMLElement The Cornerstone element to update

Returns void


Retrieves the current image dimensions given an enabled element


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element

Returns {width, height} The Image dimensions


Returns a default viewport for display the specified image on the specified enabled element. The default viewport is fit to window


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object

Returns Viewport The default viewport for the image


Returns the currently displayed image for an element or undefined if no image has been displayed yet


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns Image The Cornerstone Image Object displayed in this element


Retrieves an array of pixels from a rectangular region with modality LUT transformation applied


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • x Number The x coordinate of the top left corner of the sampling rectangle in image coordinates
  • y Number The y coordinate of the top left corner of the sampling rectangle in image coordinates
  • width Number The width of the of the sampling rectangle in image coordinates
  • height Number The height of the of the sampling rectangle in image coordinates

Returns Array The modality pixel value of the pixels in the sampling rectangle


Retrieves an array of stored pixel values from a rectangular region of an image


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • x Number The x coordinate of the top left corner of the sampling rectangle in image coordinates
  • y Number The y coordinate of the top left corner of the sampling rectangle in image coordinates
  • width Number The width of the of the sampling rectangle in image coordinates
  • height Number The height of the of the sampling rectangle in image coordinates

Returns Array The stored pixel value of the pixels in the sampling rectangle


Converts a point in the page coordinate system to the pixel coordinate system


  • element HTMLElement The Cornerstone element within which the input point lies
  • pageX Number The x value in the page coordinate system
  • pageY Number The y value in the page coordinate system

Returns {x: Number, y: Number} The transformed point in the pixel coordinate system


Resets the viewport to the default settings


  • element HTMLElement An HTML Element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns void


This module is responsible for enabling an element to display images with cornerstone


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • canvas HTMLElement The Canvas DOM element within the DOM element enabled for Cornerstone

Returns void


Checks if the image of a given enabled element fitted the window before the resize


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element
  • oldCanvasWidth number The width of the canvas before the resize
  • oldCanvasHeight number The height of the canvas before the resize

Returns Boolean true if it fitted the windows, false otherwise


Rescale the image relative to the changed size of the canvas


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The Cornerstone Enabled Element
  • oldCanvasWidth number The width of the canvas before the resize
  • oldCanvasHeight number The height of the canvas before the resize

Returns void


Resizes an enabled element and optionally fits the image to window


  • element HTMLElement The DOM element enabled for Cornerstone
  • forceFitToWindow Boolean true to to force a refit, false to rescale accordingly

Returns void


Sets the canvas context transformation matrix to the pixel coordinate system. This allows geometry to be driven using the canvas context using coordinates in the pixel coordinate system


  • enabledElement EnabledElement The
  • context CanvasRenderingContext2D The CanvasRenderingContext2D for the enabledElement's Canvas
  • scale Number? Optional scale to apply

Returns void


Converts the image pixel data into a false color data


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • lookupTable Object A lookup table Object

Returns void


  • deprecated: This function is superseded by the ability to set the Viewport parameters to include colormaps.


This module deals with caching image textures in VRAM for WebGL


Converts an HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color to RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color value


  • hue Number A number representing the hue color value
  • sat any A number representing the saturation color value
  • val any A number representing the value color value

Returns Array<Numberp> An RGB color array


Maps a value to an index in the table


  • v Number A double value which table index will be returned.
  • p any An object that contains the Table "Range", the table "MaxIndex", A "Shift" from first value in the table and the table "Scale" value

Returns Number The mapped index in the table


Specify the number of values (i.e., colors) in the lookup table.


  • number Number The number of colors in he LookupTable

Returns void


Set the shape of the table ramp to either 'linear', 'scurve' or 'sqrt'


  • ramp String A string value representing the shape of the table. Allowed values are 'linear', 'scurve' or 'sqrt'

Returns void


Sets the minimum/maximum scalar values for scalar mapping. Scalar values less than minimum range value are clamped to minimum range value. Scalar values greater than maximum range value are clamped to maximum range value.


  • start Number A double representing the minimum scaler value of the LookupTable
  • end any A double representing the maximum scaler value of the LookupTable

Returns void


Set the range in hue (using automatic generation). Hue ranges between [0,1].


  • start Number A double representing the minimum hue value in a range. Min. is 0
  • end Number A double representing the maximum hue value in a range. Max. is 1

Returns void


Set the range in saturation (using automatic generation). Saturation ranges between [0,1].


  • start Number A double representing the minimum Saturation value in a range. Min. is 0
  • end Number A double representing the maximum Saturation value in a range. Max. is 1

Returns void


Set the range in value (using automatic generation). Value ranges between [0,1].


  • start Numeber A double representing the minimum value in a range. Min. is 0
  • end Numeber A double representing the maximum value in a range. Max. is 1

Returns void


(Not Used) Sets the range of scalars which will be mapped.


  • start Number the minimum scalar value in the range
  • end Number the maximum scalar value in the range

Returns void


Set the range in alpha (using automatic generation). Alpha ranges from [0,1].


  • start Number A double representing the minimum alpha value
  • end Number A double representing the maximum alpha value

Returns void


Map one value through the lookup table and return the color as an RGBA array of doubles between 0 and 1.


  • scalar Number A double scalar value which will be mapped to a color in the LookupTable

Returns Array<Number> An RGBA array of doubles between 0 and 1


Generate lookup table from hue, saturation, value, alpha min/max values. Table is built from linear ramp of each value.


  • force Boolean true to force the build of the LookupTable. Otherwie, false. This is useful if a lookup table has been defined manually (using SetTableValue) and then an application decides to rebuild the lookup table using the implicit process.

Returns void


Ensures the out-of-range colors (Below range and Above range) are set correctly.

Returns void


Similar to GetColor - Map one value through the lookup table and return the color as an RGBA array of doubles between 0 and 1.


  • v Numeber A double scalar value which will be mapped to a color in the LookupTable

Returns Array<Number> An RGBA array of doubles between 0 and 1


Return the table index associated with a particular value.


  • v Number A double value which table index will be returned.

Returns Number The index in the LookupTable


Directly load color into lookup table. Use [0,1] double values for color component specification. Make sure that you've either used the Build() method or used SetNumberOfTableValues() prior to using this method.


  • index Number The index in the LookupTable of where to insert the color value
  • rgba Array<Number> An array of [0,1] double values for an RGBA color component

Returns void


Generate linearly spaced vectors


  • a Number A number representing the first vector
  • b Number A number representing the second vector
  • n Number The number of linear spaced vectors to generate

Returns Array An array of points representing linear spaced vectors.


Returns the "rank/index" of the element in a sorted array if found or the highest index if not. Uses (binary search)


  • array Array A sorted array to search in
  • elem any the element in the array to search for

Returns number The rank/index of the element in the given array


Find the indices into a sorted array a such that, if the corresponding elements In v were inserted before the indices, the order of a would be preserved.


  • inputArray Array The array where the values will be inserted
  • values Array An array of the values to be inserted into the inputArray

Returns Array The indices where elements should be inserted to maintain order.


Creates an N -element 1-d lookup table


  • N Number The number of elements in the result lookup table
  • data Array represented by a list of x,y0,y1 mapping correspondences. Each element in this List represents how a value between 0 and 1 (inclusive) represented by x is mapped to A corresponding value between 0 and 1 (inclusive). The two values of y are to allow for Discontinuous mapping functions (say as might be found in a sawtooth) where y0 represents The value of y for values of x <= to that given, and y1 is the value to be used for x > Than that given). The list must start with x=0, end with x=1, and all values of x must be In increasing order. Values between the given mapping points are determined by simple linear Interpolation.
  • gamma any value denotes a "gamma curve" value which adjusts the brightness at the bottom and top of the map.

Returns Array<any> an array "result" where result[x*(N-1)] gives the closest value for Values of x between 0 and 1.


The lookup table is generated using linear interpolation for each Primary color, with the 0-1 domain divided into any number of Segments.


  • segmentedData {red: Array, green: Array, blue: Array} An object with a red, green and blue entries. Each entry should be a list of x, y0, y1 tuples, forming rows in a table.
  • N Number The number of elements in the result Colormap
  • gamma any value denotes a "gamma curve" value which adjusts the brightness at the bottom and top of the Colormap.

Returns Array The created Colormap object


Return all available colormaps (id and name)

Returns Array<{id, key}> An array of colormaps with an object containing the "id" and display "name"


Return a colorMap object with the provided id and colormapData if the Id matches existent colorMap objects (check colormapsData) the colormapData is ignored. if the colormapData is not empty, the colorMap will be added to the colormapsData list. Otherwise, an empty colorMap object is returned.


  • id string The ID of the colormap
  • colormapData Object An object that can contain a name, numColors, gama, segmentedData and/or colors

Returns any The Colormap Object


Maps scalar values into colors via a lookup table LookupTable is an object that is used by mapper objects to map scalar values into rgba (red-green-blue-alpha transparency) color specification, or rgba into scalar values. The color table can be created by direct insertion of color values, or by specifying hue, saturation, value, and alpha range and generating a table


Retrieves the minimum and maximum pixel values from an Array of pixel data


  • pixelData Array The input pixel data array

Returns {minPixelValue: Number, maxPixelValue: Number} The minimum and maximum pixel values in the input Array


Retrieve a function that will allow an image object to be reset to its original form after a false color mapping transformation


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object

Returns Function A function for resetting an Image Object to its original form


User can pass a colormap or its id as string to some of these public functions. Then we need to make sure it will be converted into a colormap object if it's a string.


  • colormap any A colormap ID or Object

Returns any The colormap


Restores a false color image to its original version


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object

Returns Boolean True if the image object had a valid restore function, which was run. Otherwise, false.


Convert an image to a false color image


  • image Image A Cornerstone Image Object
  • colormap (String | Object) it can be a colormap object or a colormap id (string)

Returns Boolean Whether or not the image has been converted to a false color image


Convert the image of a element to a false color image


  • element HTMLElement The Cornerstone element
  • colormap any it can be a colormap object or a colormap id (string)

Returns void


Trigger a CustomEvent


  • el EventTarget The element or EventTarget to trigger the event upon
  • type String The event type name
  • detail (Object | null) =null The event data to be sent (optional, default null)

Returns Boolean The return value is false if at least one event listener called preventDefault(). Otherwise it returns true.
